FilteredNet is paying it forward with Children’s Hospital in 2023. Learn More
85% of young people have seen cyberbullying ocurring online *
Nearly half of all school and district leaders (44 percent) say they are receiving more threats of violence by students now than they did in the fall of 2019 **
Suicide is the second leading cause of death for children and young adults age 15-to-24 ***
How many students are at risk in your district?
Now you can find out with our FREE Student Online Safety Audit
We are excited to partner with Linewize to offer this fantastic opportunity to K12 schools nationwide!
The FREE Student Online Safety audit takes about 30 minutes to install, setup and configure
We offer a FREE Student Online Safety tutorial as well, to help you understand the value and benefits of online monitoring, and to answer any questions and address any concerns around student privacy, etc.
The audit runs for 25 days, during which time Linewize will collect all of the data. Linewize records all keystrokes on your school owned devices; collecting data while in school, off premise and even if the device is offline.
Automated reports are turned off by default for the audit. But they can be turned on if you’d like, so you can track activity on your student’s school owned devices as you have time.
At the end of your audit, a comprehensive report of what your students were saying or doing online will be presented.
Linewize uses real-live human moderators to assess potential high-risk situations. Should a potential ‘level-5’ situation be recorded (i.e. possible suicide, imminent threat of violence, etc.) a live human moderator steps in to assess the threat and CALL a school official (appointed by the school).
FilteredNet has been helping K-12 schools meet their online security needs since 1995.
Your FREE audit can flag AT-RISK students based on what they say or do on their school owned devices!
Detect online mental health risks before they become real-life incidents.
- No IT burden
- 24/7/365 real-time alerts
- Live ‘Human’ moderators
- Works online AND offline
- No time-consuming administration
- Risk assesses the entire screen!