[PRESS RELEASE] Linewize Offers its Classroom Management Solution at No Cost to Districts Affected by COVID-19

SAN DIEGO, California – Linewize, a K-12 web filtering solution, is eager to announce that they are offering their classroom management tool, Classwize, for free to school districts affected by COVID-19.

For many schools, closing their doors is an inevitable precaution they are taking to help reduce the risk and spread of the virus. These shutdowns are temporary but for extended periods of time, and will affect the way students learn for the foreseeable future. Linewize’s goal is to help assist districts as they transition to remote learning so that education does not need to stop in the event of a shutdown.

A current Linewize customer and CTO of Rocklin Unified School District said, “When you are looking to transition to a distance learning or home study environment, whether intentionally or unintentionally, having the tools and resources your teachers need is key to an effective roll-out.”

“Planning for potential school closures, our move to Linewize and the use of Classwize as a classroom management tool, is something that gives us comfort and ease of use that is seamless for teachers and parents,” Johnson added. “It’s a tool with such a low threshold for adoption and it was one of our key requests from teachers this year. If you can log in, you can use it right away.”

Teachers will be able to leverage the Classwize technology to manage their students remotely during this time. Classwize offers screen visibility, messaging capabilities, and tab focus control on school-issued or personal devices. With Classwize, teachers can still maintain a level of control even though their students are offsite.

“Today’s forced remote learning is becoming more and more real by the minute. Our technology has the ability to assist districts with remote learning and during these times of uncertainty, we feel it is important for us to be a resource for all districts, not just our customers, with no strings attached. We made the easy decision of offering Classwize for free to those districts in need ”, said Ross Young, Head of North American Operations.

For more information, please visit: https://www.linewize.com/classwize-free

About Linewize:

The Linewize ecosystem is a unique response to the challenge of today’s connected learning environments. The ecosystem aligns a series of products to help districts stay in regulatory compliance, get the most out of their purchased technology, keep kids cyber-safe at school, and impact the parent community by assisting them in raising good digital citizens.

Keeping your classroom technology up-to-date is critical

Keeping your classroom technology up-to-date is critical

From kindergartners to high school seniors, American students are growing up in a world defined by the internet. While Millennials (people born between 1980 and 1994) probably have distant memories of cassette tapes, VCRs, and the thrill of dial-up, the generation that followed—Generation Z—has no experience of life without the internet.

The internet has come with important advantages; unprecedented access to information, new ways of connecting and communicating, and creative opportunities when it comes to teaching and learning. However, it has also brought certain dangers, like cyberbullying, or access to inappropriate or pornographic content.

The risks can make it tempting to stay behind in the “good old days,” but like it or not, students will be swept up in the technological currents, and the best schools can do is help them navigate it safely.

To ensure your students succeed in the modern world, it’s critical to keep your classrooms up-to-date so their teachers can help them learn how to use technology, including the internet, with guidance and protection.

Here are a few ideas that you should consider equipping the classrooms in your district with, to ensure you’re staying up-to-date in this modern world.


Laptops or tablets—implementing 1:1

A laptop for every student (1:1) might sound like a recipe for disaster, but it turns out schools that provide a laptop or tablet to every student actually see increased student achievement. In one of the first studies to look at the results of going 1:1, researchers saw improved test scores on everything from English to math to science. They even saw an improvement in relationships between students and teachers.

Most students are already using these devices at home. By investing in them for the classroom, you can engage students using tools they already know. Plus, they can be used for a wide range of lessons, adapt to individual students’ needs, and provide opportunities for collaborative work. They also offer ways to monitor and control what students are accessing and to track and monitor their usage, which can be useful for identifying trends and behaviors.


While chalkboards have their charms, Smart Boards are quickly becoming the tool of choice for many teachers. Smart Boards—interactive touch screens—allow teachers an easily navigable way to accommodate a range of different learning styles and engage their classes.

Some specific benefits of Smart Boards include:

  • They’re efficient—multiple students can use them at once
  • They’re low maintenance—no chalk and no pens means lower costs, and they’re easy to keep clean
  • They’re environmentally friendly—they reduce the need for paper
  • They support technology integration—computers, cameras, microphones, and more can all connect to Smart Boards

Screen visibility & monitoring

From doodling in their notebooks to playing solitaire, students are notorious for finding ways to distract themselves. So, with the increasing popularity of laptops and tablets in classrooms, it’s likely your teachers are wondering why they should integrate tech that might just lead to more distractions.

Fortunately, there are plenty of options out there to help combat classroom distractions. Screen visibility and classroom content control are two of the most important options. Screen visibility allows teachers to keep an eye on what each student is doing on their computer. Classroom control allows them to identify, interrupt, and redirect off-task behavior back to the lesson. Integrating these two technologies can go a long way towards helping teachers feel more comfortable with other new technologies.


Virtual Reality

No longer a futuristic dream, virtual reality (VR) is a reality today. It’s not just for video games, either. Why fight something students are naturally drawn to if it can be harnessed to help teachers with their lessons?

A good example of VR in the classroom in action is the program ExpeditionsIt allows teachers to bring students on virtual field trips; a cost-effective, safe, and engaging way to enrich the student learning experience.

Modern Web Filters

There’s one common factor behind all of these other technologies—the internet. If your goal is an up-to-date classroom with modern tech, you’ll need an up-to-date web filter to support it all.

The web filters used by many districts are out of date. Not only do some have gaps allowing dangerous content to slip through, today’s filters often limit the control only at the district level. Their catch-all filters block websites or content that might actually be useful for teachers in the classroom. Modern web filters, like Linewize, allow more customization: IT admins maintain CIPA control at the district level, while passing the control of everyday curriculum decisions to teachers at the classroom level. This provides the potential to reduce the workload on both ends.

Whether you’re looking to ensure your students are learning in a modern way, reduce the workload of the IT department and teachers, or allow for more personalized lessons that accommodate diverse students, there is the technology that can help. Keeping your classrooms up-to-date can ensure your district is ahead of the curve in countless ways.

Getting a united front between network admins and teachers

Getting a united front between network admins and teachers

Teachers and network administrators often have a strained relationship. Though they both have students’ best interests in mind, teachers emphasize student learning and discovery, while network administrators emphasize student safety and compliance. 

These perspectives don’t have to be at odds–teachers are invested in student safety, too, and network admins in school districts value learning. But because network admins and teachers tend to work in silos away from each other, they don’t often interact unless something has gone wrong. 

Often, teachers approach network admins for help when a content filter has blocked materials they were intending to use for their lesson plan. If this happens more than a few times, teachers can begin to see technology as impeding rather than improving their ability to teach.

Meanwhile, after being on the receiving end of many frustrated teacher complaints about blocked content, network admins can see teachers as a nuisance taking them away from their other important work. 

Fortunately, it is possible to break this negative cycle. Read on to find out how districts can bring network admins and teachers together to implement content filters that satisfy teachers’ needs to access materials in their classrooms and network admins’ concerns about safety and compliance. 

Breaking down silos

With teachers and network admins focusing on different aspects of education technology, silos are created. Network admins set district-wide content filtering rules while teachers, lucky enough to have classroom management tools, attempt to take digital control of the classroom. When content filtering and classroom management tools don’t work well together, feelings of failure for both the network admin and the teacher are often the result. 

This disjointed approach can affect a school’s entire technology initiative. Network admins do their work, and teachers do theirs, and ne’er the twain shall meet except when technology isn’t working as it’s supposed to. 

Even when technology on both sides is aligned, frustration can still exists when a teacher is inadvertently blocked from being able to leverage the internet for his or her lesson. Network admins are still left with a support ticket to solve. Many of those support tickets are likely to be caused by overfiltering, which creates barriers to learning. Overfiltering carries risks even beyond interrupting a teacher’s lesson. 


As the American Library Association (ALA) put it in its 2014 report, Fencing Out Knowledge: Impacts of the Children’s Internet Protection Act 10 Years Later, “The impact of filtering on the acquisition of [digital and media literacy] skills and on learning in general is not felt equally among students. In fact, internet filtering creates two classes of students: an advantaged class with unfiltered access at home and a disadvantaged class with only filtered access at school.”

This is not a situation anyone wants. Teachers and network admins, with the support of school administrators, have to break down their silos and make an effort to understand the other’s concerns if schools are to avoid overfiltering.

What network admins need to understand about filters

Network admins can apply too-aggressive filters in a sincere attempt to stay compliant with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) of 2000. (Pressure to apply aggressive filters can also come from school administrators, nervous of falling afoul of the legislation.) 

As the ALA and others have noted, many school district filters go far beyond what CIPA requires in an effort to continually keep their students safe online. When schools interpret this too broadly, and the technology department is disconnected from teacher and student needs, it can lead to absurd situations. For instance, one school counselor in Nebraska was unable to download information on suicide for students who came to her for support after an attempted suicide at the school

It doesn’t have to be like this. Network admins can ensure appropriate filtering, even beyond CIPA compliance, but avoid overfiltering by giving deeper control to the teachers in their classroom. Additionally, clear communication among teachers, IT, and instructional technologists can help nip recurring issues in the bud. Some proactive actions and considerations that can be taken are:

  • Understanding what the legislation does and doesn’t cover. It’s also noteworthy that the Federal Communications Commission, which oversees CIPA compliance, has not yet found a school district out of compliance. That doesn’t mean compliance isn’t important, but it does mean districts should put thought into how aggressive they want to go with their content-blocking policies.
  • Consulting teachers on their curriculum and what types of content they need access to. It’s important to understand educational needs before unilaterally making decisions on filtering. Teachers bear the impact of either too-permissive or too-restrictive filtering, and should be involved in filtering decisions from the beginning. 
  • Assessing the range of filtering options. Not all filters are created equal, and network admins should spend time researching the options that best fit their district’s needs. For instance, some network admins spend a lot of time maintaining student-specific whitelists and blacklists. Smart filtering allows control over what students can access based on their grade, location, and the time of day, on an individual student level. Want students to stay off YouTube during school hours but be able to recommend them algebra tutorial videos to consult while they’re doing homework? Smart filtering makes this easy.  

What teachers need to understand about filters 

There are web filter platforms that include classroom management tools. Having a better understanding of the capabilities of such tools and then investing time in learning how to leverage those capabilities, gives teachers back the control they so need in the classroom. Teachers should consider:

  • Getting educated on what their classroom technology can do. Adopting new technology is often scary. But with districts spending millions of dollars to ensure students can learn in a modern way, all of that investment is wasted if that technology isn’t used to its fullest.
  • Feeling empowered to lift specific filter rules. When a web filter rule (that goes beyond CIPA compliance) is getting in the way of a teacher’s lesson, teachers should feel confident to apply classroom-specific rules for their students. This can cut down on support tickets and help smooth out the tension that often occurs between teachers and network admins.

Choosing the right web filter vendor

We’ve outlined what needs to be done to break up those silos and frustration between teachers and network admins, but how do you know your web filter can support the initiative? Here are some key questions to ask when speaking with web filter vendors:

  • Does your platform include a classroom management solution?
  • Can we lock in policies that cannot be changed by teachers in the classroom to ensure compliance is met?
  • Can a non-technical teacher easily use the classroom management tool?
  • What is the anticipated workload and cost to maintain and support the product?
  • Can we do more with the filter than just block content (e.g. search term visibility, self-harm alerts, Google and YouTube controls)
  • Does the filter support all end point operating systems?

By better understanding CIPA compliance, the implications of overfiltering, and how each of their roles relate to classroom technology use, network admins and teachers can work together to ensure better content filtering that keeps students safe while supporting them in their learning. 

Instead of countless hours spent in frustration troubleshooting and responding to endless support tickets, explore putting in a technology solution that works for both sides of the debate. See how Linewize can work for your district.

How to get teachers to adopt modern technology

How to get teachers to adopt modern technology

Modern technology has the potential to transform classrooms. The possibilities of an increasingly digital and connected world are nearly endless: Technology can save schools time and money, allow for more individualized learning, and increase engagement at all levels—just to name a few.

However, like any tool, technology is only useful if it’s actually being used. That means that to get the benefits, you have to get the ones who will be using it on board.

School districts across the country know that teachers can be hard sells when it comes to adopting new technologies. They’re often already working at capacity, and throwing another thing on their plate without making some room first is a surefire recipe for frustration.

Fortunately, with a little research, planning, and communication, it’s possible to get teachers on board. It’s all about seeing it from their point of view, and meeting them where they’re at.

Here are 8 specific strategies to warm the teachers in your district up to modern technology.

Assess their wants and needs

There’s no point in getting teachers technology they don’t need. Wondering how to figure out what that might be? Ask.

Discussing tech decisions with teachers helps ensure that your edtech spend is being leveraged to its fullest potential. It can also make teachers more open to adopting the tech, because they’ve been involved in choosing it.

When surveying teachers, try to include questions such as what tools they’re already using, what their major sources of frustration are, and whether there are any technologies they wish they had. A survey is also a great place to integrate a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis, which can give you a well-rounded picture of where your teachers are in terms of their tech skills.

Start small

Teachers may be more open to adopting modern technologies if you start small. There’s no point in completely remaking classrooms and giving every student a tablet if the teachers and students aren’t ready for it. 

Rather than rushing into trying every new technology, try one or two at a time and allow teachers to get comfortable with them before adding more.

Opt for user friendly tech

Just like their students, teachers have different learning styles. Pair that with busy schedules and a wide range of technological know-how depending on factors that can include age, education, and interests (just to name a few), and you’ll find that the best technologies for teachers are the ones that are user friendly.

Being user friendly includes being relatively quick and easy to learn, not having bugs, and having “drag and drop” and other intuitive features.

Teacher tablet

Clearly communicate benefits (and myths)

Teachers tend to make their decisions based on evidence. If you introduce new technologies without a clear reason for why you’re doing it, it’s unlikely you’ll get a large adoption.

One of the primary goals of any teacher is to meet the core national standards-based learning objectives. If you can show them how modern technologies will help them accomplish this and other goals, teachers will be more likely to adopt the new technology.

Other benefits that modern classroom tech can offer are time savings—which is huge to teachers—and increased student engagement—which benefits everyone.

Cover myths, too. Many teachers fear that allowing more technology into their classrooms will just increase the number of distractions. However, the classroom is the perfect place to teach students how to use technology responsibly. Consider investing in tools like screen monitoring software to help teachers keep their students on task.

Offer training

Almost everyone rides with training wheels before they learn how to ride a bike; throwing someone into a situation where they have to use a new tool or skill without proper training is liable to fail.

Sometimes the creators of a new tech will offer or be able to suggest a training program to use, otherwise there’s a wealth of professional development websites for teachers that you can direct them to, and use yourself.

Make sure to create time before, during, and after the introduction of any new technology to allow teachers to be prepared, use it properly, and stay up to date on its functions. 

Create a community

Consider creating things like discussion forums and community boards for teachers to share resources that have helped them. Creating a space for troubleshooting and questions can help smooth the learning curve and lead to higher usage.

Another adoption-helping tactic is to hire or assign a tech-savvy teacher to help other teachers learn the ropes. Like most people, teachers respond well to their peers, and are often well-suited to helping each other out. Research suggests every school needs at least one technology coach if they want to succeed.


Don’t make them pay

The past decade has been a tough one when it comes to school funding. Some districts haven’t fully recovered from the cuts that happened around 2008. It has resulted in teachers getting stuck with the bill if they want their students to succeed. Some teachers are spending hundreds of dollars a year out of their own pockets.

Any new technology that requires them to spend more of their own money isn’t going to improve the situation, and could contribute to even more frustration and resentment. 

If your district is struggling with funding, explore the hundreds of free or low-cost tech tools teachers can use in their classrooms. 

Plan classrooms accordingly

It’s not very helpful giving students laptops if there aren’t enough outlets to charge them all, or if the sun is streaming in and washing out their screens.

When you’re introducing more modern tech into your school, you’ll have to think about everything from the layout to building materials. Some important things to consider are WiFi connectivity throughout the school, USB charging stations, safe storage for expensive devices and tech, glare-reducing windows, and more open-concept classrooms that facilitate more modern styles of learning.

Creating the space for modern technology to exist within the classrooms is just one of the practical ways to encourage teachers to adopt it. At the end of the day, teachers want their students to succeed, and if you’re able to show them how modern technologies can help them do that, they’re more likely to welcome—and actually use—them.

Family Zone Redefines Its B2B Offering As Linewize

Family Zone Redefines Its B2B Offering As Linewize

SAN DIEGO, California – Familyzone.io, a rising US branch of the Australian-based company, Family Zone Cyber Safety, is pleased to announce the business’ rebrand to Linewize. Due to the rapid growth in the US EdTech sector, the company has decided to separate its enterprise business from its consumer offering.

The rebrand will include new logos and slogans for both its web filtering (Linewize) and classroom management (Classwize) products.

For more information, please visit linewize.com or email us@linewize.com

“When you hear the name, ‘Family Zone’, it sounds like a consumer offering. In order to point our customers in the right direction so they receive value from each of our product lines, we’ve decided to segment our consumer and education products,” said Ross Young, Vice President of US Operations.

“Family Zone will remain the parent company, but marketing and sales will be promoting the education business-to-business products as Linewize and Classwize respectively”, Young added.

Linewize, the company’s web filtering product, comes with the slogan, “Wisdom beyond the filter,” while Classwize, the screen visibility, and monitoring classroom technology that empowers teachers to gain back control of the classroom, comes with the slogan, “Modern instruction — delivered wisely.”

These slogans reflect the main goal of Linewize, which is to help create school communities that allow students to get the best out of classroom technology and the digital world, all while protecting them from harm.

“Our mission is simple—to create school communities where students thrive,” a company spokesperson noted, adding that Linewize empowers school communities with the tools, expertise, and support they need to ensure students are safe and prepared for their digital futures.

“We know that districts are spending millions of dollars to ensure students are learning in a modern way in the classroom”, said Ilana Plumer,  Head of US marketing.

“Our goal is to make sure districts are leveraging that EdTech spend to its fullest”, Plumer added. “We do that through an enterprise-level suite of SaaS products, so this rebrand is meant to reflect that.”

From web filtering and cyber safety alerts to teacher/student screen sharing and ongoing education for the school community, the tools offered by Linewize and Family Zone will help to guarantee that students have access to safe and successful tech programs.

The company plans to officially launch the new brand at TCEA, the largest EdTech Tradeshow in Texas, which commences February 3rd, 2020.

About Linewize:

The Linewize ecosystem is a unique response to the challenge of today’s connected learning environments. The ecosystem aligns a series of products to help districts stay in regulatory compliance, get the most out of their purchased technology, keep kids cyber-safe at school, and impact the parent community by assisting them in raising good digital citizens. For more information, please visit www.linewize.com.