Building Lasting Partnerships: The Heart of FilteredNet’s Mission

Building Lasting Partnerships: The Heart of FilteredNet’s Mission

At FilteredNet, we pride ourselves on fostering long-lasting partnerships grounded in trust and confidence with K12 schools across the nation. Since our inception in 1995, we have dedicated ourselves to understanding the unique challenges faced by educational institutions, allowing us to provide tailored internet security solutions that meet their specific needs.

Our Commitment to Customer-Centric Solutions

Our customer-focused approach means every decision we make and every solution we offer is designed with our clients’ needs in mind. We believe in building relationships that emphasize collaboration and mutual growth. This philosophy has enabled us to establish strong, lasting partnerships with schools, ensuring their digital safety and enhancing their educational environments.

Comprehensive Security Solutions

FilteredNet offers a suite of top-tier security solutions, including web filters, classroom management tools, and student online safety monitoring systems. We work closely with industry-leading vendors like Linewize, ContentKeeper, and Blocksi to deliver the best possible solutions. Our rigorous evaluation process ensures that only the most effective and reliable tools are included in our product offerings, providing schools with peace of mind and robust protection against online threats.

Experienced and Dedicated Team

Our team of experts brings decades of experience in sales, marketing, and educational technology. Supported by a dedicated group of professionals, we ensure that our clients receive unparalleled support and guidance. Each team member is committed to understanding the specific needs of the schools we serve, providing personalized recommendations and ongoing assistance.

Building Trust Through Transparency and Reliability

Trust is the cornerstone of our relationships with clients. We believe in maintaining transparency, ensuring that schools are fully informed about the solutions they implement. Our reliable support services and consistent communication help us build and maintain the confidence of our clients, making us a trusted partner in their journey toward digital safety.

Innovation and Adaptation

As technology evolves, so do the needs of K12 schools. FilteredNet is committed to staying ahead of the curve, continuously innovating and adapting our solutions to meet the changing landscape of digital education. We actively seek feedback from our clients to improve our offerings and ensure that we provide the most relevant and effective tools for their needs.

Empowering Schools to Thrive

Our ultimate goal is to empower schools to create safe and secure learning environments where students can thrive. By providing comprehensive internet security solutions and exceptional customer service, we help schools focus on their primary mission: educating and nurturing the next generation.

Join the FilteredNet Family

We invite you to join the FilteredNet family and experience the benefits of a partnership built on trust, confidence, and a shared commitment to excellence. Whether you are looking for advanced web filtering, classroom management tools, or student safety monitoring solutions, FilteredNet is here to support you every step of the way.

For more information about our services or to schedule a consultation, visit our website at and discover how we can help your school achieve its digital safety goals.


By focusing on building lasting partnerships and providing reliable, cutting-edge solutions, FilteredNet continues to be a trusted ally for K12 schools nationwide. Join us in our mission to enhance digital safety and create a secure educational environment for all students.


FilteredNet has been selling webfilters and I.T. security solutions to K12 schools since 1995.

We work with I.T. security vendors covering a range of internet security services including webfilters, classroom managers and student-online monitoring/alerting tools by vendors such as Linewize by FamilyZoneContentKeeper and Blocksi.

To learn more about our services, or schedule a demo contact us today.

Ensuring Excellence: How FilteredNet Provides the Highest Quality in IT Solutions for Education

Ensuring Excellence: How FilteredNet Provides the Highest Quality in IT Solutions for Education

Let’s face it, technology and education are forever intertwined. As such, the role of robust IT solutions in K-12 schools has never been more critical. FilteredNet, a leader in web filtering and IT security solutions for K12 schools, exemplifies this necessity through their meticulous approach to vendor and solution evaluation. This blog delves into the comprehensive process FilteredNet employs to ensure that each product added to their offerings meets the highest standards of quality and efficacy.

Understanding the Educational Landscape

Before diving into the specifics of vendor evaluation, it’s crucial to acknowledge the unique challenges and needs of K-12 educational environments. Schools require IT solutions that not only facilitate learning and access to information but also ensure the safety and security of their students online. FilteredNet, with its long-standing experience in this sector, understands these needs intimately.

Rigorous Vendor Evaluation: A Multi-Step Process

FilteredNet’s vendor evaluation process is both thorough and multifaceted, involving several key steps:

In-depth Market Research: The journey begins with comprehensive market research. FilteredNet’s team actively seeks out emerging and established vendors specializing in web filters and related IT security products. This research is pivotal in understanding the current trends, advancements, and user requirements in the educational technology sphere.

Technical Assessment: Once potential vendors are identified, their products undergo a rigorous technical assessment. This step involves evaluating the technical specifications, compatibility with existing school infrastructures, ease of use, and overall performance of the solutions. It ensures that the products not only meet the current technological standards but are also future-proof.

Security and Compliance Checks: In an era where data security and privacy are paramount, especially in educational settings, FilteredNet rigorously checks for compliance with relevant laws and regulations. This includes adherence to student data privacy laws, cybersecurity standards, and other pertinent legal requirements.

User Experience and Feedback: Understanding the user perspective is crucial. FilteredNet seeks feedback from actual users — educators, administrators, and IT professionals in schools. This step provides real-world insights into the usability, effectiveness, and impact of the solutions in an educational setting.

Vendor Reputation and Stability: Beyond the product, the vendor’s market reputation, financial stability, and customer support capabilities are also evaluated. A stable and reputable vendor is more likely to provide consistent, reliable support and updates for their products.

Trial and Testing in Real Environments: Perhaps the most critical step, FilteredNet conducts extensive trials of the products in actual school environments. This hands-on testing is pivotal in understanding how the solutions perform in real-world scenarios, how they integrate with other systems, and their overall impact on the educational process.

Commitment to Quality and Education

At its core, FilteredNet’s rigorous evaluation process is fueled by a commitment to quality and the educational mission. They understand that the right IT solutions can significantly enhance the learning experience while ensuring safety and compliance. This dedication to excellence is evident in the careful selection of products that not only meet technical standards but also align with the educational goals and values of K-12 institutions.

Conclusion: A Trusted Partner in Education Technology

Through this meticulous evaluation process, FilteredNet has positioned itself as a trusted partner in the realm of educational technology. Their approach ensures that schools are equipped with high-quality, reliable, and effective IT solutions, tailored to the unique demands of the educational sector. As technology continues to evolve and become an integral part of the educational landscape, FilteredNet’s commitment to quality and excellence remains steadfast, making them an invaluable ally for schools navigating the digital age.

FilteredNet has been selling webfilters and I.T. security solutions to K12 schools since 1995.

We work with I.T. security vendors covering a range of internet security services including webfilters, classroom managers and student-online monitoring/alerting tools by vendors such as Linewize by FamilyZoneContentKeeper and Blocksi.

To learn more about our services, or schedule a demo contact us today.

Student Well-Being: 3 Topics that K12 is focused on today.

Student Well-Being: 3 Topics that K12 is focused on today.

Based on recent trends and discussions in education, here are 3 topics that schools are most focused on today based on their concerns about student well-being:

Mental Health and Emotional Wellness: Schools are increasingly concerned about the mental health and emotional wellness of their students, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many students have experienced significant disruptions to their daily routines and social connections, and may be struggling with feelings of anxiety, depression, and isolation. Schools are looking for ways to support students’ mental health and well-being, such as by providing access to counseling services, offering mindfulness and meditation practices, and implementing social-emotional learning (SEL) curricula.

Schools are working to support their students’ mental health and emotional wellness in a variety of ways. Here are some examples:

  1. Counseling Services: Many schools are providing access to mental health professionals, such as school counselors or social workers, to help students who may be struggling with mental health issues. These professionals can provide individual or group counseling sessions, crisis intervention, and referrals to outside resources if necessary.
  2. SEL Curricula: Social-emotional learning (SEL) curricula are becoming increasingly popular in schools to promote students’ mental health and emotional wellness. These curricula focus on teaching students skills such as self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. By helping students develop these skills, schools hope to promote their mental health and well-being and improve their overall academic performance.
  3. Mindfulness Practices: Many schools are implementing mindfulness practices, such as meditation or yoga, as a way to help students reduce stress, improve focus and concentration, and promote overall well-being. These practices can be incorporated into the classroom or offered as separate activities during the school day.
  4. Parent Education: Schools are also working to educate parents about how they can support their children’s mental health and emotional wellness. This may include providing resources on how to recognize signs of mental health issues, how to communicate effectively with their children, and how to access community resources if necessary.
  5. School Culture: Creating a positive and supportive school culture can also play a role in promoting students’ mental health and emotional wellness. Schools are working to foster a sense of community, belonging, and inclusion among students, as well as providing opportunities for students to engage in extracurricular activities and build positive relationships with their peers and teachers.

Overall, schools are taking a holistic approach to supporting students’ mental health and emotional wellness, recognizing that these factors are closely tied to academic success and overall well-being. By providing access to counseling services, implementing SEL curricula, offering mindfulness practices, educating parents, and creating a positive school culture, schools hope to promote the mental health and well-being of their students.

Online Safety and Digital Citizenship: As students spend more time online for learning and socializing, schools are increasingly concerned about their online safety and digital citizenship. Cyberbullying, online harassment, and exposure to inappropriate content are all risks that students face in the digital world. Schools are looking for ways to teach students about responsible online behavior, provide guidance on how to stay safe online, and implement tools and policies to protect students from harmful content and interactions.

Schools are working to support their students’ online safety and digital citizenship in a variety of ways. Here are some examples:

  1. Education and Awareness: Schools are educating students about online safety and digital citizenship, including topics such as cyberbullying, online privacy, and responsible use of social media. By providing students with the knowledge and skills they need to stay safe online, schools hope to reduce the risk of negative online experiences and promote responsible digital citizenship.
  2. Filtering and Monitoring: Many schools are implementing filtering and monitoring tools to help keep students safe online. These tools can block access to inappropriate content, monitor online activity for signs of bullying or other negative behaviors, and alert administrators to potential risks or issues.
  3. Parent Education: Schools are also working to educate parents about how they can help keep their children safe online. This may include providing resources on how to monitor their children’s online activity, how to talk to their children about online safety, and how to set appropriate boundaries and guidelines for online use.
  4. Policy Development: Schools are developing policies and guidelines related to online safety and digital citizenship. This may include acceptable use policies for technology, guidelines for social media use, and protocols for responding to cyberbullying or other negative online behaviors.
  5. Partnership with Technology Providers: Finally, many schools are partnering with technology providers to help ensure online safety and digital citizenship. This may include working with companies that provide filtering and monitoring tools, as well as those that offer education and awareness programs or resources for parents and educators.

Overall, schools are taking a proactive approach to promoting online safety and digital citizenship, recognizing that these skills are critical for success in the digital age. By educating students and parents, implementing filtering and monitoring tools, developing policies and guidelines, and partnering with technology providers, schools hope to create a safe and positive online environment for their students.

Equity and Inclusion: Many schools are also focused on promoting equity and inclusion for all students. This includes addressing issues related to racial and social justice, promoting diversity and inclusivity in curricula and school culture, and providing support for students from underrepresented communities.

Schools are looking for ways to create a more inclusive and welcoming environment for all students, and to ensure that every student has access to the resources and support they need to succeed. Schools are working to support their students’ equity and inclusion in a variety of ways. Here are some examples:

  1. Culturally Responsive Teaching: Schools are implementing culturally responsive teaching practices, which involve recognizing and addressing the cultural and linguistic diversity of students in the classroom. This includes valuing and incorporating students’ cultural backgrounds and experiences into the curriculum and instructional practices.
  2. Professional Development: Many schools are providing professional development opportunities for teachers and staff to increase their understanding and skills related to equity and inclusion. This includes training on topics such as implicit bias, culturally responsive teaching, and creating inclusive classroom environments.
  3. Diverse Curriculum: Schools are incorporating diverse perspectives and experiences into the curriculum, including texts and materials that reflect the diversity of the student population. This includes exposing students to a variety of cultures, histories, and perspectives.
  4. Student Support: Schools are providing additional support for students who may face barriers related to equity and inclusion. This includes counseling services, mentorship programs, and resources for students from historically marginalized communities.
  5. Community Partnerships: Schools are partnering with community organizations and leaders to support equity and inclusion. This includes collaborating with local advocacy groups, cultural centers, and businesses to provide resources and opportunities for students.

Overall, schools are taking a proactive approach to promoting equity and inclusion, recognizing that all students deserve a safe and welcoming learning environment where they can thrive. By implementing culturally responsive teaching practices, providing professional development opportunities, incorporating diverse perspectives into the curriculum, providing student support, and partnering with community organizations, schools hope to create a more equitable and inclusive learning environment for all students.

FilteredNet has been selling webfilters and I.T. security solutions to K12 schools since 1995.

We work with I.T. security vendors covering a range of internet security services including webfilters, classroom managers and student-online monitoring/alerting tools by vendors such as Linewize by FamilyZoneContentKeeper and Blocksi.

To learn more about our services, or schedule a demo contact us today.

On-prem vs cloud filtering.

On-prem vs cloud filtering.

Web filters are an essential tool for any organization to ensure that their network is secure and their employees are productive. With the rise of cloud technology, many organizations are opting for cloud-only web filters. However, there are still significant benefits to using on-prem web filters.

Firstly, on-prem web filters provide faster and more efficient filtering. With on-prem filters, all the filtering takes place on-site, which means that there is no need for data to travel to the cloud and back. This not only saves time, but it also reduces network traffic and can lead to faster internet speeds.

Secondly, on-prem web filters provide greater control and customization. With an on-prem solution, IT administrators have complete control over the web filtering policies and can customize them to suit the specific needs of their organization. This level of control is not possible with cloud-only web filters, which typically have limited customization options.

Thirdly, on-prem web filters offer greater security. By having the web filtering taking place on-site, organizations can ensure that sensitive data does not leave their network. This is particularly important for organizations that deal with confidential information, such as healthcare or financial institutions.

Finally, on-prem web filters offer cost savings in the long term. While cloud-only web filters may seem cheaper initially, they can become expensive over time as the organization grows and needs to add more users. On-prem solutions are often a one-time purchase, and they can be more cost-effective in the long term.

In summary, on-prem web filters offer faster and more efficient filtering, greater control and customization, greater security, and long-term cost savings. While cloud-only web filters have their benefits, on-prem solutions are still an excellent option for organizations looking to ensure the security and productivity of their network.

FilteredNet has been selling webfilters and I.T. security solutions to K12 schools since 1995.

We work with I.T. security vendors covering a range of internet security services, including webfilter solutions such as Linewize by FamilyZone and ContentKeeper.

To learn more about our services, or schedule a demo contact us today.

Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund

Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund

On December 21, 2020, Congress passed the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSA). It was signed into law on December 27, 2020. This long-awaited sequel to the CARES Act includes a stimulus and pandemic relief package of just under $900 billion, with just over $81 billion of it for the Education Stabilization Fund. This fund provides an additional $54.3 billion for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER II) Fund and must be used by September, 2022.

The recently passed legislation also includes $1 billion for the Governors Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund. GEER is available for governors to provide either K-12 or higher education funds based on the needs they identify in the state. This fund will also operate similarly to the GEER fund found in the CARES Act.


Much like the ESSER I Fund within the CARES ACT, the majority of the money allotted to K-12 schools will go directly to districts based on the proportion of funding they receive through Title I of the federal Every Students Succeeds Act. The states can reserve 10 percent for administration, but must use the rest for local education agencies (LEAs). The $54.3 billion is roughly 4 times that received in March, 2020.

School districts can use the fund for any activity allowed under other federal laws for education, aiming to improve outcomes for students who have been significantly impacted by the coronavirus. This can include:

  • Activities authorized by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965;
  • Slowing the spread of Covid-19;
  • Addressing the specific needs of disadvantaged students;
  • Helping with learning loss;
  • Purchasing PPE and the supplies needed to clean and disinfect schools;
  • Providing mental health services and support for students;
  • Closing the digital divide for students;
  • Summer learning and supplemental after-school programs;
  • Planning for school closures;
  • Purchasing the hardware and software needed to conduct remote and hybrid learning.

How Could The Fund Be Allocated?

If budget allocation from the CARES Act Discretionary Funds is any indication of how this most recent fund might be allocated, a majority of the states will likely focus on broadband, remote training/curriculum, and devices. Below you can see how governors have been using the CARES Act discretionary funds:

Additionally, experts put together a rough estimate of what states should receive compared to the CARES Act.


Coronavirus K-12 State Allocation Table

What to expect going forward?

With this much anticipated relief for school districts around the country, should you expect more to come? Many experts predict that the fund is acting as a “bridge” payment and are hopeful for more help, particularly with a new administration taking office on January 20 and the Senate recently moving to Democrat control.

On January 14th, 2021, President-elect Biden released a $1.9 trillion plan for COVID-19 relief that would provide $130 billion in funds for K-12 education. In this plan, funds are aimed at helping K-12 schools reopen or provide distance learning.

“We will do everything we can to keep our educators and students safe and to safely open a majority of our K-8 schools by the end of our first 100 days,” Biden said in a speech announcing his plan.

For more information on the ESSER II Fund, the Office of Elementary & Secondary Education has put together this Fact Sheet

FilteredNet has been selling webfilters and I.T. security solutions to K12 schools since 1995.

We work with I.T. security vendors covering a range of internet security services, including webfilter solutions such as Linewize by FamilyZone and ContentKeeper.

To learn more about our services, or schedule a demo contact us today.